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Mondo.NYC 2021 Showcase Artist

Ancestral Diva
Minas Gerais, Brazil
October 14, 2021 at 12:30:00 AM
Mondo Live Stream [Minas-Brazil Showcase]
Ancestral Diva is Brazilian music influenced by classic rock. The band emerged from the union of four musicians and friends who previously knew each other from other projects: Babo Gruppi (vocals), Luce Lee (bass) and Saulo Ferrari (drums) were from Tempo Plastico and The Spacetime Ripples, and Zé Mário Pedrosa (guitar) from the band Green Morton.
The imminence of the end of human existence, so present in our lives, comes in the lyrics and songs of Ancestral Diva, forming a timeline that begins in the chaos we are living in and continues pointing to a new time of peace and love. “Enterrado Vivo (Buried Alive)” is the opening song from the album -- it's a symbol of ancient trees that have stood, resisting through time, with their roots buried but still alive and breathing from the outside. Just like our culture that is black, is gay, woman and man.
In March 2020, when the band was about to record its album live, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted this dream. Now, a year later and with the recordings made remotely, the band is ready to release their first album with 11 tracks in August 2021. Two of them, "Dançando No Inferno" (Dancing In Hell) and "Macumbeira" are already available in all digital platforms.
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