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Mondo.NYC Speaker

Michele Marchetto

Michele Marchetto

Web3 Developer, Onlytech Industries

From a very young age Michele understood that it is much more fun and challenging to develop video games than to play them. From there he began his journey into coding. When the Internet caught up with him in the late 1990s, well, everything changed. His heart was enraptured by open source, and he contributed to numerous projects, becoming the first Italian on the core team of the OpenBSD operating system. In between lines of code, he earned his master's degree in Computer Science at the University of Padua. For the past few years, Michele's latest love has been Web3 and blockchain development. His enthusiasm and knowledge have flowed into the Onlymusix project.


Artists, Labels & NFTs: Onlymusix Deconstructs the NFT Marketplace

10/13/22, 8:00 PM

After a tumultuous year-plus, NFTs are still on everyone's lips, though much confusion still surrounds the NFT ecosystem and the implications it can have for music, art and more. Who are its stakeholders and what are its underlying technologies? How is Web3 is changing the music industry? This panel addresses creating and selling NFTs, music royalties, management of shareholders and much more. Referencing Onlymusix use cases, we’ll explore the platform and the new opportunities its technology offers, with a few surprises for participants. After the panel, please join us for drinks!

Onlymusix is an NFT marketplace for music, launched in February 2022 by Italian startup Onlytech Industries. Onlymusix aims to be a hub for musician and music stakeholders, a secure and reliable place to create and buy music-related NFTs, and to exploit the opportunity of Web3. Designed and developed around artists and industry players, Onlymusix offers unique features specifically designed for the music industry, including POAP NFTs, label accounts, shareholder management, and more. Please visit for more information.

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