Mondo.NYC Speaker

Teri Nelson Carpenter
National Chair & Los Angeles Chapter President, AIMP
Teri Nelson Carpenter is National Chair & Los Angeles Chapter President for the AIMP, and the President & CEO of Reel Muzik Werks, a full-service global music rights management company with a specialization in Film/TV Music and International Rights Management. Now in business over 10 years, Reel Muzik Werks established Teri as an internationally minded, active, and inclusive leader focused on making the industry an equal playing field for creators and publishers in music. Teri also continues to serve as Executive Vice President of the IMPF and contributes in leadership roles to organizations like the California Copyright Conference (CCC), NMPA, CISAC, and the Copyright Alliance in Washington, DC. Previously, she was one of only six professionals tapped for the selection of the MLC Board and Committees, and won The Copyright Advocate of the Year Award from the CCC. Teri was tapped by the U.S. State Department to be a mentor and speaker at the 2018 Global Entrepreneur Summit in Hyderabad, India, which gathered prominent women from over 160 countries. She has also served as a two-term President and longtime board member of the California Copyright Conference and as a member of the Board of Directors & Finance Chair of the Copyright Alliance in Washington, D.C. She is an in-demand speaker at industry conferences around the globe, having appeared at SXSW, the Music Biz conference, Canadian Music Week, Midem in France, AEDEM in Spain, and Music Imbizo in South Africa.
AIMP presents Pivoting the Music Publishing Business Post-COVID
10/16/20, 9:00 PM
The sudden shut down of live performance and Film/TV production, along with in-person collaborations and recording, upended the traditional income streams and promotional opportunities for many publishers. Hear from top minds about how they have worked with their teams to adapt to the new reality and opportunities presented in the post-COVID world.