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June 24, 2021

Mondo Returns Live in New York & Online Worldwide
CLE Music & Tech Law Symposium Panels Announced
Fireside Chat with Eluvio CEO Michelle Munson
Women In Music Hosts “Navigating Career Transitions”
Mondo Cannabis Content Unveiled
11 New Showcase Artists to Perform
Advance Purchase Discount Badges Discount On Sale Today Today!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New York, NY, June 24, 2021 — With the New York City COVID vaccination rate over 50% and with your safety as our top priority, we are happy to announce that Mondo will host elements of our business conference and showcase festival live, in person at our partner venues in New York. Mondo is all about community and connection -- we're looking forward to seeing many of you in real life, to listen, learn and connect. If you're unable to make it to NYC, Mondo 2021 will simultaneously be presented virtually as a global interactive meeting and livestream. Details about our live event coming soon.
Women In Music presents "Navigating Career Transitions." In this panel session you’ll learn from accomplished women who have successfully pivoted their careers – whether deliberate or unexpected. With dynamic shifts in the music industry, we'll discuss how to stay competitive, make strategic career plans, and excel in a new role. Women in Music is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1985 committed to educating, empowering and advancing women in the music industry.
Mondo’s Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Music & Tech Law Symposium, Friday, October 15, has released its 2021 slate of panels:
• International Deal Making
• Catalog Shopping 2021
• The Risks and Rewards of NFTs in the Music Industry
• Restatement of Copyrights: Issues for Creators and Rights Holders
• Royalty Audits – Focus on Digital and Livestreaming and their Effects on Catalog Sales and Financial Planning
• Re-Envisioning the Digital Business Model
• Litigation Deep Dive
Mondo.Cannabis Panels Announced
Mondo.Cannabis is a series of panels and activations that focus on the intersection of the newly-legalized New York cannabis industry and related music, events and entertainment sectors, produced in association with music industry executive David Hazan. Hazan has headed international partnerships for O’ Cannabiz, produced Canada’s first cannabis hackathon and moderated more than ten cannabis business panels at leading North American cannabis and music conferences.
The first confirmed Mondo.Cannabis panels are:
• The State of Legalization
• Celebrity Branding in Cannabis
• Future of Cannabis Festivals and Events
• Cannabis Investment Opportunities
• Creativity in Cannabis
Check out our new globe-trotting artists from NYC, Detroit, the Philippines, Nigeria, Uganda, Italy, Ireland, Poland and Brazil. Mondo showcasing artists come from 17 territories on six continents. We welcome Mondo’s newest showcase performers of the class of 2021:
J. Brown (Detroit) The Itchyworms (Philippines) Etuk Ubong + The Etuk Philosophy (Nigeria) Nicotine Dolls (New York) Noir Col (Cosenza, Italy) Joana Rochael (Minas Gerais, Brazil) Paola Gladys (Brooklyn) Between Giants (Brooklyn) Azawi (Uganda) Immortal Onion (Gdansk, Poland) Wyvern Lingo (Ireland)
For our fourth series of artist showcase additions, we're thrilled to introduce you to:
• Nigerian Trumpeter Etuk Ubong + The Etuk Philosophy
• Multi-talented singer/songwriter Azawi from Uganda
• Michigan based Billboard chart-topping R&B singer/songwriter J.Brown
• Filipino pop-rock band The Itchyworms with hits that are catchy-as-hell
• Singer and composer Joana Rochael added to the Minas-Brazil x Mondo showcase
Tap to listen to all our showcasing artists and learn more about their stories HERE.
2021 will feature previously announced need-to-know content including programming collaborations with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), Guild of Music Supervisors, Recording Artists Project @ Harvard Law School, Covington & Burling LLP, HIFI and the National Independent Venue Association (NIVA).
Conference panels programs for 2021 focus on Post-COVID Financial Wellness & Survival; Music Supervision; MusicTech; Independent Live Music; Video Games, Esports and Music; CLE Music & Tech Law; Racial & Gender Equality in the Music Business; International Music Marketing; Music Creation & Production; Songwriters & Publishing; Music Policy; NFTs & Digital Currency; and Harvard Law School’s Recording Artist Project live virtual Pro Bono sessions.
Stay tuned for additional announcements in the coming weeks. For more info, please visit
• Advance purchase ticket discounts: up to 36% off regular prices available now. Click here.
• Interested in being a Mondo speaker? Click here.
• Media inquiries, please contact Joanne Abbot Green or submit via press.
• Marketing, sponsorship, partnership and business opportunities, please contact Bobby Haber
Mondo.NYC is a festival and global business summit of music and tech industry insiders and innovators, emerging artists and their fans. Mondo connects fans and creators in a shared mission of empowering artists and advancing ideas in an ever-changing music business and technology landscape.
Please note all Mondo.NYC 2021 events are subject to change without notice.
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