Mondo.NYC Speaker

Ana Rodriguez
CEO, Relatable, Chair IMMF, MMF LATAM
Ana Rodriguez is a change agent in the Latin American cultural industry with experience in music management, communication and business management; representative of Troker, a renowned Mexican jazz-rock band; and President of the International Music Managers Forum (IMMF). Ana is CEO of Relatable, a music industry knowledge company with two training platforms, MusicLab and MUdaL, the latter in alliance with MusicAlly, leaders of the Music Mexico initiative who, in addition to annually awarding projects that use music as a tool for social change, recently published the first Music Report Mexico 2022. Ana is involved in many projects including mentoring, community learning, and networking.
Unlocking a Global Artist Knowledge Network, Presented by MMF-US & IMMF
10/11/22, 8:00 PM
MMF-US and its members are part of the global International Music Managers Forum, one of music’s largest networks, covering artists and their representatives in over 60 countries. The moment artists upload a track to the web, they are trading internationally, below the line comments on streaming platforms are posted seamlessly by global audiences united without borders. Artists work globally. However, business models, copyright policies, and where revenue is found varies country by country. Which considerations might artist's businesses take into account when developing international audiences and revenues? Which markets are most interesting? How can artists and their business representatives build their own networks and skills? The world is huge; local knowledge is essential for thinking globally and acting locally.