Jonathan Campbell At Mondo.NYC
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Mondo.NYC Speaker

Jonathan Campbell

Jonathan Campbell

Head of Outreach & Strategic Initiatives, Small World Music

As Small World Music’s Head of Outreach and Strategic Initiatives, Jonathan Campbell contributes to live events, the eMERGEnce artist-development program, international showcase/conference Global Toronto and more. Before joining SWM, which works in a variety of ways with equity-seeking communities onstage and behind the scenes, he worked at and with many of Toronto’s major cultural institutions in communications, outreach and programming, and was an APAP Leadership Fellow. His career is rooted in the decade he spent in Beijing actively bridging East and West through performing, writing – his book, Red Rock: The Long Strange March of Chinese Rock and Roll published in 2011 – promoting, and more.

Mondo Zoom Conversation: Mondo & CMW Co-Host Be Present Everywhere: Introductions & Connections

5/18/21, 9:00 PM

Join our global town hall as Mondo -- in partnership with Canadian Music Week and LyricFind -- introduces you to the global community of music conferences, trade missions, partners, consultants, organizers and creatives. The panel series, hosted by Robert Singerman, debuted on a Mondo zoom over a year ago at the start of the pandemic and has since brought hundreds of international colleagues and thousands of new friends together to speak at virtual conferences from NYC and Toronto to Kenya, Rio & LA, with other virtual forays to & from dozens of cities and countries spanning the globe to Be Present Everywhere (while staying home). Meet these global specialists w/o the flights, hotels, per-diems, carbon, $$ and family costs. Many thousands of new music community connections have already been made and many more will be made here, through active chats, shared contacts, new business introductions, collaborations and experiential education. It's a lot of fun for all, like a great Mondo/CMW/LyricFind conference party. Thanks much to the amazing speakers joining and all participants.

Be Present Everywhere: International Marketing & Development Connections

10/13/20, 6:00 PM

This will be a unique opportunity to virtually meet many of the main international collaborators around the globe. They are all dedicated to the music community and have developed music conferences, export and indie music offices, platforms, companies and organizations for fans, artists and related industry execs. Learn what they do, who they are and how to connect with them and their networks in order to forward your mission and to be present everywhere. Vote!

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