Mondo.NYC Speaker

Roy Hennig
Senior Vice President of Sales, LyricFind
Roy is the Senior Vice President of Sales at LyricFind, the world’s leader in legal lyric solutions. For over a decade now, Roy has helped LyricFind grow, led the sales team, and has signed over 225 clients of all sizes, great and small, including Pandora, Xperi, iHeartRadio, Anghami, NAVER and Billboard for example. Roy earned a Bachelor of Arts (Honors Degree) with Distinction, from the University of Guelph. As a recognized authority on licensing and digital content, Roy has participated in and spoken at conferences globally.
Sales, Music and Conferencing!
10/10/23, 9:00 PM
In this era of automation, how has the landscape of business transformed when it comes to forging connections and seizing new opportunities? While various tools have streamlined countless processes, the significance of face-to-face conferences remains steadfast and even more crucial than ever before -- at least for now.
Content Curation and Filtration: Signal vs. Noise
10/12/22, 5:00 PM
Over 60,000 new tracks are being released each and every day. With so much content available, it can be easy to get lost in the woods. Where are we supposed to begin when trying to find music that suits our wants and needs? Further yet, how are we supposed to filter through the millions upon millions of songs that are out there? Is it possible to make sure what's being played in school, in the gym, in stores, or in the car is appropriate while still being engaging?
About LyricFind:
LyricFind is the world leader in lyric licensing and data services. With over 16 years in business, LyricFind is trusted by the top companies in the industry like Amazon, Google, YouTube, Deezer, Xperi and Pandora. LyricFind provides its partners with an extensive catalog of accurate and fully legal lyrics, licensed from all major publishers, as well as 10,000 other publishers and performing rights organizations around the world.
LyricFind’s in-house premium reporting infrastructure properly tracks and pays royalties to songwriters and rights holders on a song-by-song and territory-by-territory basis. Lyricfind has also created Lyric IQ which is a unique data set that uses a mix of AI and manual analysis to provide a deeper understanding of music through lyrics. Recently, LyricFind launched Lyric Videos, a platform that generates lyric videos in just seconds.